spam meat in cans
Blog Foods Latest

Is Spam Keto Friendly? Carbs, Calories and More

Is Spam keto-friendly? It’s a question many people ask, but unfortunately, the answer isn’t so clear cut. While some think that the high sodium content of Spam makes it an unsuitable choice for a low-carb diet, others are more optimistic about its potential health benefits. To get to the bottom of this debate, we need […]

is milk keto
Foods Health Latest

Is Milk Keto Friendly? Mooo-ve Over Cow!

Is milk keto friendly? Milk can be obtained from dairy and non-dairy sources and it is usually available in different forms – powdered and liquid. When it is obtained from the mammary glands of cows, sheep, and goats, and then processed, it is usually labeled dairy milk. Pasteurization, refrigeration, and homogenization are just some of […]

keto and glaucoma
Health Latest

Keto and Glaucoma: Can the Ketogenic Diet Protect your Eyesight?

Does keto and glaucoma have a link? You may be surprised to learn that the keto diet was not originally devised for weight loss. It was actually used to reduce seizures in children with epilepsy. It was initially used in cases where the medications for epilepsy was not helpful in treatment. Presently, it is popularly […]

is tofu keto
Foods Latest

Is Tofu Keto: The Verdict

Is Tofu keto? Sometimes known as bean curd, this is a popular food that originated in China. It is made via a process that is similar to making cheese from milk. For a start, soymilk is first condensed or curdled and then it is pressed to form solid or gelatinous white to cream blocks. The […]