Michael Jessimy is a qualified Pharmacist with over 10 years experience dealing with a range of both prescription and alternative remedies. He is also an amateur heavyweight bodybuilder and loves spending his spare time hitting the gym. He strives to help others build the best body possible through fitness, health and nutrition consultation and has several published books under his name.
is quinoa keto
Foods Latest

Is Quinoa Keto?

Is quinoa keto? This question likely crossed your mind at some point when looking for suitable food options on keto. Many persons think that since quinoa is a superfood, it must have a place on the keto diet. In fact, it is very popular on the vegetarian diet where high protein intake is required. Quinoa […]

keto rash
Health Latest

Keto Rash: Why You’re Suddenly Itchy and How to Make it Go Away

A keto rash might be the last thing you expect when starting the ketogenic diet. However, it is important that you realize some of what you may run into and be prepared to deal with it in such an event. Many unpleasant side effects may come up when one starts the keto diet. Symptoms of […]

arrowroot keto
Foods Latest

Is Arrowroot Keto?

Have you ever wondered ” is arrowroot keto?” Arrowroot is a popular thickener used as a substitute for cornstarch. The arrowroot powder is extracted from the arrowroot plant, hence its name. Although used as a replacement for cornstarch, the macronutrients it contains are actually similar to what is seen in cornstarch. The major difference between […]

is honey keto friendly
Foods Latest

Is Honey Keto Friendly?

Made by bees with existence dating back to several thousand if not millions of years, honey is a natural sweetener that is used by people worldwide. But apart from its use as a sweetener, honey also has several medicinal uses (1) including the treatment of burns and in wound dressing. For those who plan to […]