Blog Foods Latest

The Keto Diet And High Blood Pressure: Benefits, Precautions and Foods to Eat/Avoid

The keto diet is one of the most popular diets in recent years. It has been shown to be beneficial for people with high blood pressure, but there are some precautions that you need to take if you already have high blood pressure. This blog post will explore how keto can help with high blood pressure and what foods or drinks should be avoided while on keto.

asparagus keto
Foods Latest

How To Use Asparagus As A Low Carb Vegetable For The Keto Diet

Is asparagus keto friendly? The asparagus keto connection is a match made in heaven, read on to the end to discover why. Asparagus is a green vegetable that belongs to the lily family. It has a thick, edible stalk with small green leaves at the top. It can be eaten raw or cooked and tastes […]

are apples keto
Foods Latest

Are Apples Keto Friendly?

You’ve heard it a million times before; an apple a day keeps the doctor away. But is an apple keto friendly? What happens if you can’t have your apple a day?  In this brief article we will explore all your pressing questions, and hopefully give you the closure you need. Are All Apples The Same? […]

is milk keto
Foods Health Latest

Is Milk Keto Friendly? Mooo-ve Over Cow!

Is milk keto friendly? Milk can be obtained from dairy and non-dairy sources and it is usually available in different forms – powdered and liquid. When it is obtained from the mammary glands of cows, sheep, and goats, and then processed, it is usually labeled dairy milk. Pasteurization, refrigeration, and homogenization are just some of […]

keto and glaucoma
Health Latest

Keto and Glaucoma: Can the Ketogenic Diet Protect your Eyesight?

Does keto and glaucoma have a link? You may be surprised to learn that the keto diet was not originally devised for weight loss. It was actually used to reduce seizures in children with epilepsy. It was initially used in cases where the medications for epilepsy was not helpful in treatment. Presently, it is popularly […]

is popcorn keto
Foods Latest

Is Popcorn Keto: The Yummy Truth!

Is popcorn keto? This is a very important question for popcorn lovers across the world. Popcorn is a whole grain snack that is a favorite of movie goers all over the world. The snack is made from corn kernels that make a “pop” sound when it is subjected to heat. Popcorn may be included on […]

sauerkraut keto
Foods Health Latest

Is Sauerkraut Keto: Cabbage Power!

Is sauerkraut keto? Some people love it, and some hate it. Sauerkraut refers to fermented raw cabbage that may have originated from China. It is made by leaving finely shredded cabbage with salt to ferment naturally by lactobacilli. The end product of the lactic acid fermentation is a sour vegetable that is often used as […]